It appears that the tags are already seperated into certain catagories (hunting, trade, mission...), so why not split them further by tag? Wts = Selling, Wtb = Buying. This doesn't seems like a big deal, but it will improve usage if it's more comprehendable.
The most important thing by far is the length of the description string. This one item will further the usage of the party window to the Nth degree. I'm ok with having to type my own description of the item I am trying to buy or sell, as long as I can actually have what I typed in the party window. I'm am frankly tired of trying to abbreviate everything about the item, include the price, state my flexibilty on the price, and how to contact me in 30 characters or less. That simply does not work. It is also the reason the trade channel is flooded with spam. I can put it in the chat window as intended, so I will continue to do so until this change is made. I am a big supporter of the party window, I use it all the time. It needs this one improvement at least to be fully functional as a viable trade medium.